Residing in Dallas, Texas, Vicky Kuba has made an indelible mark on the electronic music scene as a DJ and tribal music producer
Recognized as a trailblazer, Vicky not only masters the turntables with her unmatched talent but has also earned a place in history as one of the first transgender women in the United States to produce and mix the intense sounds of tribal house for the vibrant gay circuit parties.
From the beginning, Vicky showed an innate passion for music, using her mixes to convey powerful emotions and electrify dance floors.
Her style, characterized by pounding rhythms and an enveloping energy, has captivated both electronic music enthusiasts and the LGBTQ+ community, who see her as a beacon of authenticity and perseverance.
With a career that has transcended boundaries, Vicky Kuba continues to break barriers and bring her unique sound to major stages, inspiring a new generation of artists and proving that music is a universal tool for inclusion and social transformation.